In "Behold the Dreamers" by Imbolo Mbue, readers are transported into the lives of two families navigating the complexities of pursuing the American Dream amidst the backdrop of the 2008...
"Carrie Soto Is Back: A Novel" by Taylor Jenkins Reid follows the compelling journey of Carrie Soto, a former tennis champion who returns to the sport she once dominated. After...
Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell is a transformative guide that explores the concept of using failure as a stepping stone to success. Maxwell delves into the psychological and practical...
Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven emphasizes the power of small habits in achieving success and overcoming challenges in life. Drawing from his experiences as a Navy SEAL,...
"Very Good Lives" by J.K. Rowling, illustrated by Joel Holland, distills Rowling's 2008 Harvard commencement speech into a poignant exploration of resilience and the pursuit of meaning. Through her insightful...